How to connect with a good psychologist?


So, you’re looking for a psychologist?

Well done for making it this far, seeking support for your mental health can feel like a big step. It’s also very normal to feel out of your depth or completely intimidated by the idea of talking to a stranger about your thoughts and feelings. 

Finding the right support depends on a lot of different factors. Before you start looking for a psychologist, there are a few questions you might want to ask yourself.

Some questions to consider…

  • What am I struggling with? (e.g. Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Relationships) 
  • How much will it cost and what can I afford?
  • Where do I want to see my psychologist? Do I want someone in my local area or am I happy to travel?
  • Do I want to see someone in person or am I more comfortable having sessions online? 
  • Do I want a psychologist who is like me? It’s good to think about who you will feel most comfortable seeing? Is this someone who matches your age, gender, culture or religion?
  • Who is available? This is a big one - let us explain why….

Unfortunately, most psychologists are very busy right now. It’s not uncommon for psychologists to have long waitlists which means you have to wait several months for an appointment. If you’re looking for help ASAP this can feel pretty disheartening. While we know it's not ideal, the current demand for psychologists might mean you might have to prioritise a psychologist who has availability over someone who sounds like the perfect fit.

How do I find the right psychologist? 

There are several resources that can make the process of finding a psychologist or mental health professional easier. 

First things first, you want to know what to look for! Click here to know what to look for in a good psychologist 

Now that you know what to look for, try these resources to find a mental health professional that's right for you!

To find a psychologist in your area:

To find a therapist in your area:

To find specialist therapists with LGBTQ+ experience:

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